10-04-2022 04:23 PM
Congratulations to Pledge 1% Builder Automation Anywhere on their partnership with the Center for Humanitarian Technology and joint launch of 'Telegram for Humanity' bot to help refugees get aid faster by automating humanitarian efforts for thousands of families across Ukraine saving hundreds of hours of manual processing each week. Check out the press release for more information. Thank you Automation Anywhere, and thank you to all Pledge 1% members, for all you do to support our global community!
10-11-2022 03:28 PM
What an incredible application of automation technology and (human) enablement to drive such meaningful impact. It's truly inspirational to see what this level of collaboration can yield. Kudos to the Automation Anywhere team! @jvargas , @BetseyF , @Grace_Chung @kimber -- We're deeply grateful to you and your organization's humanitarian commitment!
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